Friday, April 4, 2008

Human time!

Looks like the home stretch for the AIS course. The next several lessons cover drawing the human figure. What I've been waiting for! I started to sketch and didn't like what I was seeing (is this a nightmarish, recurring pattern or what??) but kept at it. The exercise was to just look at a picture they provide and do a rough sketch, going for shape and proportion and shading. So this too will be a new journey, a new adventure. Because I really look forward to the day when I can draw people and cartoons. It's a driving urge, not sure why. But for whatever its worth, here are the results of day #1.


Anetka said...

it is a good drawing. I've heard once that if you can draw human body you can draw anything!
I like the fact you didn't draw her face, very expressive:)

Anonymous said...

Funny...this one reminds me of Gauguin and maybe F. Leger? You get the general movement of the body, I can't do that... Proportions are hard too. E.