Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Suzy sketch

Nurturing a Twinkie hangover, I finished my line drawing of Suzy and am ready to send her in. The assignment to send in is the line drawing of Suzy, the shading of my naked lady friend, and the face parts shading exercise. So it's all going into a big envelope and into the mail. Two lessons left to go! Woooohoooo and a big Yeeeeha!


Unknown said...

Yeehaaa...Suzy's a lookin' good!

Mark Kwasny said...

Yes but, do you think she'll go out with me if I ask???

sandy said...

Yeah good for you!! Looks great. And put down that Twinkie!

Colleen Hammond said...

I look forward to the critiques from the instructor. I learned a lot from the critiques of the man/woman drawings! Great job. Looks fabulous.