What's a birthday? Well, for one, it means you made it through another year. Trials, tribulations, joys, sorrows, adventures, love, frowns, and smiles. Friendships won... friendships lost. A valley of tears softened by love and consolation.
But also the realization that indeed, what hasn't killed me has made me stronger. So before I get into any deep philosophy, enjoy my newest birthday past time... drawing and shading pictures of nude 1950's models!
As Aneta says, progress... not perfection. Good grief! Time to quit shading this lady and move on. Suzy is waiting!
Happy Birthday!! What's a birthday? It's a mile-marker, a place to stop and reflect about the past I(only to learn from it) and to set new goals for the future and a reminder that all we really have is this one good day.
Happy Birthday! And may God grant you many more in His service.
I was reading the message you left on the EDM board. I must agree. It's through the inspiration, and encouragement, from you guys that keeps me plodding on too. Oh, and the need to draw. Happy Birthday, mark. Keep up the good work.
Hi again. you asked about my watercolor set. It's a Van Gogh travel set in a purple case. Pay a little extra for professional colors. It looks like it will last me a year of painting in a journal most every day - so it's so worth it.
Great job!! Really nice. Happy birthday to you...whoo hoo.
Happiest of belated birthday wishes to you Mark....See, I let a couple of days go by without checking in and I miss the whole darn party!! LOL :)
All the best to you...everyday!
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